How To Use Get_Your_Bitcoin BOT

  1. Download BOT at here    
  2. Extract Zip File
  3. Extract recaptcha_v2.zip
  4. Move recaptcha_v2.html to C:\temp
  5. Edit file MEDIA2.iim and recaptcha_v2cap.iim with notepad
  6. Change “apikeyhere” with your own API key (How to get your own API key, findout here) like pict below:
    1. for file MEDIA2.iim: see picture
    2. for file recaptcha_v2cap.iim: see picture
  7. Save
  8. Move those files (exclude recaptcha_v2.zip and recaptcha_v2.html) to C:\Documents\iMacros\Macro
  9. Open firefox, run file Current.js
  10. Take a break while your balance filled :)