Cash Pirate (Bahasa Indonesia)

Gunakan ponsel Android mu untuk mendapatkan uang secara gratis.
Cash Pirate adalah sebuah app android gratis yang memberikan penawaran.
Kok kita bisa dibayar?
Gampang kok

  1. install app CashPirate, 
  2. cek penawaran (offer) yang tersedia
  3. selesaikan penawaran tersebut dan peroleh koin

koin dapat ditukar ke dollar.
1000 koin setara dengan $1..

download app nya di sini: CashPirate download

Pembayaran melalui Paypal.

Jangan Lupa gunakan kode: RKMLVJ
kode tersebut dapat memberi kamu $0.5 GRATIS

Beberapa bukti pembayaran dapat dilihat di sini

Cash Pirate

Cash Pirate is a simple app which will paid you.
How will you be paid?
It is so easy... just check the offer then take it.
After you complete the offer, you will get some coins.
Covert the coin to cash.
1000 coins equal to $1
Payment via PayPal

You can download the app via this link: CashPirate link

Wait, you can earn FREE $0.5 by use this code: RKMLVJ
I already get $7.5 from this app

you can see some Payment Proof here

Cash Pirate Payment Proof

Here some payment Proof from Cash Pirate App

(Please DO NOT copy this payment proof)
DON'T FORGET to use this code: RKMLVJ